18 June 2012

Artwork coming to a college/university near you?

Huge, incredible news with VIETNAMERICA:  Davidson College has chosen it as this Fall's new student orientation common reading book! It's the first comic selected as their common reads in the program's 20 year history!

"Davidson College is devoted to the life of the mind and the development of the whole person. We believe that one of the best ways to begin your journey here is to read a common book, discuss it during orientation, and apply what you learn to your life at Davidson. We are excited to announce that the common reading selection for New Student Orientation 2012 is Vietnamerica: A Family's Journey by G.B. Tran."

To all the freshman who will be reading, taking notes, and discussing my little graphic memoir:  I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY sorry the pages aren't numbered!

While on the topic of higher education, here's one last peek at illustrations for the upcoming Bedford/St. Martin's college-level writing guide I've been previewing:

The textbook contains plenty more artwork, but best to save the rest for when it's on campus bookstore shelves.


Anonymous said...

I'm an incoming Davidson freshman and I loved the book! Will probably reread to catch everything I missed. I hope you're going to come to campus to talk to us about it!

GB Tran said...

Thanks! I'll definitely be coming down; Davidson is finalizing details for a September visit as we speak. I love the student/faculty community there, and uber psyched for the visit!