Last Friday was the opening reception for the Society of Illustrators 54: Sequential, Moving Image and Uncommissioned exhibition. An evening full of good cheer, speeches, and gracious disbelief from all those artists awarded medals... me especially (thankfully, my wife was present to keep me grounded). For anyone interested in seeing a staggering collection of talent in current illustration, the show will be up till Jan 21st. (See more party pics from Johnny Dombrowski here)
I keep intending to post a 2011 wrap-up because so much amazing, unexpected craziness happened (some of which is noted over at my site's refresh), but I've accepted life keeps hurtling along and I'm holding on for dear... life? Hopefully, I'll be more consistent with blog updates in 2012. Needless to say, when I reflect on where I was a year ago—on the cusp of VIETNAMERICA's release and the complete unknown—I can barely recognize that person now.
But even in constant change, I'm still making it to figure drawing...