12 November 2010

Further proof that I actually have a book coming out:

Suh-weeet! My first international pre-pub praise by comics guru Paul Gravett:

"Tran's often widescreen, formally complex advance spreads promise something extraordinary... Potentially one of the key American graphic novels of next year."

Hope to live up to the anticipation, Paul! This recent podcast interview with Comic Geek Speak is either a step in that direction or a step backwards, depending on what you think of my aimless, incoherent rambling:

In either case, it was a fun time (my segment starts at the 27 min mark)!

03 November 2010

Last stop on the 2010 con/show train:

I'll be exhibiting at KingCon this weekend, and here's the final version of the show poster (artwork by me, typography by the Brooklyn Lyceum team):

It's the second year for this laid back, eclectic, and very Brooklyn-centric comics fest so c'mon down and say hi.

For all the comic shops out there, VIETNAMERICA is solicited in this month's PREVIEWS on page 298. Please note that the book is actually 300 pages and $30, not the listed 192 and $20. I hope you'll take a chance and order a few copies for your store, and for those readers supporting your LCBS, please let them know you'd like a copy!