After a absolutely phenomenal 4,000 mile trip along the Left Coast, we're back in NYC in one piece! Aside from the obligatory family vacations, I've never taken a "real" road-trip and to finally get to do so for an entire month with my wife along such a beautiful stretch of the country was amazing. We are so fortunate and grateful to have so many wonderful family and friends who welcomed us into their homes and created memories we'll cherish for a lifetime! Definitely didn't take as many pics as I should of, but here's some randomness:

A cable car view of the
Wanderlust village in Squaw Valley. My
wife was teaching at the 4-day event so I was her +1. Apparently, marriage does have its perks--who knew?!

Our typical breakfast: fresh sauteed vegetables, dal, and brown rice for her; waffles soaked in sugar, topped with sugar, with a side of sugar for me.

This is the view from morning meditation held on a mountain side with live upright bass music by this
friend. Best. Alarm. Clock. EVER.

There's always room for Mediterranean food. ALWAYS.

The world famous
Monterey Bay Aquarium! Star Trek IV, anyone?

Check out the bravado on this dude! He's wearing a chef's hat, fish apron, AND spinning two pies simultaneously. Thank goodness he's wearing shades or else he'd look silly.

Having missed its one month engagement in NYC earlier this year, I had another opportunity to catch
Crumb's GENESIS show while in Portland. Just like at home, except with no crowds [yay!] and not free [boo!].

Donuts and anime porn are a perfect match. You stay classy, Portland!

My pastries came with two babes! Too bad my wife and sis-in-law aren't always carrying a box of
Voodoo donuts.

Seattle puts its best face forward.

Assorted deli sandwiches crossing the Golden Gate Bridge only to be devoured by an enormous shark? The perfect metaphor for life.

You know it's been a great road-trip when you've let yourself go and this is what you look like to a kid.